So I've heard that neopets will unban one account if you were frozen for multi-accounting. But I'm not sure which one I want unbanned. My old main was...rather badly was my first name followed by the number 10000. But it may have some retired avatars on it...since I liked avatars back then. Or I could ask them to unban the account lazypando which would be fun to have back...but it's just a shell account. :S so tell me...which one?
yeah retired avatars. how do you get them to unban the old accounts btw? Since you can always AB again and get it all back.
Well you only get one unbanned if the only rule you broke was the using multiple accounts one. I think you just send them an email...but I'd have to look up the details.
well...those accounts where banned quite a while ago (I'd say about 4+ years ago) so no...I didn't even know what ABing was at the time
Would they have the info saved from that far back? its sposed to be 12 month passes and your account is cleared?
I doubt that you could get your account back 4 years later. Anyway, if you can, I suggest to take the main. Some people don't care of the names, just like me, so that could be a good sell.
let me know if you do, i was frozen for the same reason like 6 years ago, still have all the info. Got a 400 stat pet i want back
you'll most likely receive an email in which tnt apologizes but tells you that the account has been inactive for too long, lol but good luck i'd go for the one with retired avatars for sure.