I'm Zach. Many people probably know me =O I'm not new to Neopets Cheating. Hi LW. Edit: Probably good to include that I am a programmer =]
We needs us some programmers! Please, code some stuff. Like Neo quest trainers. Welcome to the site. Contribute to our cheatz.
what Imane means is.. "gimmez sum programz plees" haha just kidding mate. Welcome to the forum! Hope you have a great stay!
Welcome to NF! A quick read through our rules and information should get you started: viewforum.php?f=73 Though I suppose you're a bit of a veteran. See you around!
I figured that, lol. I meant do you make abers, game cheaters, refreshers, etc? Or are you just an all around coder.
what sort of things as i am trying to find a shop auto buyer like if you just type in e.g. baby paint brush adn it buys one for you but you dont relally have to pay ? but i dont think that it will ever come true :X:
I can make a lot of stuff. I check the Program Ideas forum for ideas and if I see one that I like, I'll attempt to make it. I am gonna work on a Kiss the Mortog player soon