Garet_jaxx the owner of the 13 most powerful pet in Neopia has been ICED. Sad sad day. He was a super cool guy
Not only that he was like super down to earth whenever he came on the BDC no matter how cluttered with questions he was he would try answer all of them.
According to TNT he fell for a fake login page =/ Thats pretty retarded considering that it's very unlikely that he did. Whats also weird was that it changed it was something else before but it got changed.
What would he need to ab for? I mean his set has to be close to 1bil+his gallery+mall. Theres really no need for more
dude, no one would give that up, he obvisously didnt ab. He has THE STRONGEST weapon in neopets, it does 50 icons CONSTANT and with his strenght, thats like 600 damafa
You MAY have either fallen for a scam or submitted your account information to a fake login page. If you'd like information on getting your account back, please contact us by clicking here. its used to be he used a ABer or soemthing...TNT cahnged it i guess
In the beginning it said he was frozen for ABing, then a few hours later TNT changed it to the fallen for a scam reason. Im with Joe - I mean I know everyone is capable to cheating, but there is no way in my eyes that I could really see him doing that with everything he had and stood to lose. I mean think about it - would you continue to cheat if you had what he had, that nice pet and those nice weapons and that much money? Probably not, but then again, we're talking about Neopets - The game that breeds greed.
No but honestly he was bringing in at least a couple hundred k from his shop a day plus another couple hundred k off of his bank interest plus God knows how many other venues to get cash. Greed at that level shouldn't be a factor I mean its not like you can win at neopets
Yes, but how did he get all of the np to pay for all that in the first place? ABing can't be ruled out really...
OK not saying that he didn't ab period he may have but thats beside the point if he did ab it must've been years ago.
WRONG!!!!!!!! you're thinking about featheralley and the Darigan Sword of Death, which does 70 constant icons