Well. If you're running a forum you'll have to find a cash/point mod for it. Otherwise you can implement one using PHP along with a SQL database. So essentially you'll have to either use a pre-made system or learn how to use PHP/SQL.
OK, So anyone have a premade one? It would also be very helpful if someone wanted to mentor me. for neofriend cash or what ever.
Well, it depends on whether you're running a forum or not. If you are, then there will probably one premade for you. Just search in the forum software's mod database. Otherwise, you're out of luck. You'll have to program it yourself which will require you to learn at the very least some minimal PHP and SQL. Google up some tutorials, there are plenty of them out there.
Ok, I guess its gonna be complicated, I kinda figured out how, I'm trying to make a game/point system.
Its really not that complicated... Do you have access to the sql stuff for your website? in your table for users, add a column labeled "money" ALTER TABLE users ADD money INT(11) NULL DEFAULT '0' then, in your php files, you can basically go like this... $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username = '".$loggedinname."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $num = mysql_numrows($result); $i=0; while ($i < 1) { $money=@mysql_result($result,$i,"money"); $i++; } and get your money variable... after that, you can add money, subtract money, do whatever you want with the variable and save it to variable $newmoney then... $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."users SET money='".$newmoney."' WHERE username = '"(name of user)"'"; mysql_query($query); not too bad... just adding a couple simple lines of code...