Lets say you already have a size 150 shop and are interested in joining one of those groups of mini-malls? cuz i do.. I have no idea how I would get into contact with these people, nor how i would get one of those nice fancy link things that links you to the other users malls. I would like to sell stamps, but I would sell anything.
Often enough the higher end malls will post up on bdc when they need a position filled check there? maybe post and ask if someone has a position open and check the shop boards as well, oh and you could just scan some larger shops and message the owner (if they have a mall graphic in their shop) and ask them if they have a position available for you
i tried this a while back, its tough to find people who run mini-malls (shop sizes 100-250 depending). most people only do main market malls (shop size 500ish) but there are a few people who still run mini-malls, best thing to do i suggest is post on bdc boards saying in search of mini-mall and keep it bumped whenever ur online, someone will eventually find you but it took me about a week to find one with a decent spot. most spots available are the ones that arent as good such as weapons and stuff
For smaller malls, advertise yourself on the shop ads board. Try joining a mall chain. Here's a good one: http://www. neopets.com/~rooislandinfo
Ok, Thanks, I contacted some 2ppl in 2 different mini-malls. I reviewed the figures from some1s mini stamp mall, and they bring in like 17million a year! So I definately wanna get into one of those. Also if you are reading this and are part of a mini mall (size 150+ or maybe 200+, I can always resize), please just let me know, Ill take almost any position thats opened.
... Small malls generally don't bring in a lot of revenue unless you are restocking from the main shops as well. Even with extensive ads on the shop ad board, you'd be lucky to bring in 1k a day if you don't restock from the main shops.
Are you sure about this? Ive noticed mini malls that seem to be thriving quite nicely. The person had the revenue posted on the page of their shop, and I doubt anyone would lie about that... Im currently considering starting a stamp emporium that has every single buyable stamp on Neo.. I figure small profit on a large scale could equal profit. (eg a 1k-2k profit per item), could be good if im selling 500 items a week..
put up ads and once a maller picks you. they are probably going to tell you to upgrade under a certain time limit andif youdont do what they say, they can kick you out of their mall
Well ive decided to just take all the Igloo type items and maps etc and put them in the shop overpriced and just wait for it all to sell......I looked at a mini mall(sz240) and it had 4 pageviews in the bast 24hrs. soooo yea Not a good idea....
It depends on what kind of mall you join. A popular one or less popular just like your last post. But sometimes mallers will post on the boards that they are looking for new members.
I was reading around on this, and I don't know for certain, but I get the impression that small malls aren't that profitable any more. Let us know what kind of results you have if you do try it, though, because I'd like to get into the business too.
Oh, FYI, I just recently decided to move from a stamp category to a different category in my mall (size 150+). Lemme tell you, small malls are ONLY profitable when combined with RSing. Think about it, the number of sales is proportional to the number of page views you get. And at mall-prices, you're not going to be at the top of the shop wiz, and thus your page views are going to go down astronomically. But if you combine malling with restocking, and price the RSed items at lowest on SW, you will get many many more page views.