Cheats :yup: I am through with legit. I just use my codestones for training so even if I snipe them i'll be happy cuz it's a few extra thousand off that codestone But if I get lucky, I get small amounts of NP from dailies I guess o_o
Score senders is my main income now. 1.5m+ on weekends depending on how many accounds I can be bothered to make. It's good atm .
There's very expensive one here Personally I auto three games, and then play some others for fun (Evil Fuzzles script here, the rest made myself). To make myself look legit: I play Cheat. It's a game that it is impossible to auto at, so if you have a bronze trophy even, you look somewhat legit.
Usually I just sold what I got from dailies XD which is the unsuccessful lazy way. I've just today retorted to cheats XD
Cheats, like igloo and main shop AB :3 Also when I'm extremely bored I may play games like Roodoku and Sakhmet Solitaire while watching some online TV series.
my main source of income on neo would have to be autobuying. I use ricky's ff autobuyer and it is great. havent been iced since i got it.
its a greasemonkey script. Its a basic autobuyer but highly undetectable... its basically a refresher auto haggler and buyer in one... its really handy. It only works with firefox. Ask Ricky about it, its worth the money. it runs in your browser. the only bad thing is that if you have a slow internet connection its going to be hard to buy things.
I just hoard my plot prizes and other random junk until they inflate enough for me to sell and make an obscene amount of profit on them. I'm too lazy to cheat properly and even lazier still to play games. Haha, it is a wonder I even get anywhere on neo.
I make about 5,000 on average from scratch cards, 2,000 or so from easy stuff like tombola etc, 10,000 or more playing games & usually 20,000+ from my shop reselling items from the igloo. Doing well when I play.
i think thats what everyone does, i dont think there is a person on here that would buy high and sell low. it pretty much goes without saying.
true... but doing it legit is alot harder than using programs... ya got to know what to buy and how much its worth .. but i find the igloo is alot better with a program vs doing it legit
KQ is now my main mode of income...TNT has reduced the amount of np I get from my fav games, so I don't spend much time on them anymore -_-
i used to get my nps thru playing games only. that was until i chanced upon this site last wk n learnt somuch about refreshers and cheats. LOL. now im trying to get refresher and autobuyer to see if it really helps