So I was wondering how do you name your neopets? I used to be "perfect conscious" with my pet names, meaning no underscores or numbers and what not. I wanted them to have a random yet a name that's unique and different to itself. But now I guess I don't do that anymore. When I came back I have an old pet whom I named awhile ago. But the three new pets that I will paint and stuff, I named them after my boyfriend, myself and my bestfriend {First and last name} Some people might think it's lame to name pets after people significant in your life but I don't think so! Naming my best friend and my boyfriend as my pets don't "degrade them" as beings or something. I honestly just can't think of anything. Hey on the bright side, at least they're not random names {I hope SOMEONE doesn't think my ideas are lame} So how do you name your pets? Tell the story behind them =P
I like this thread ^^ I am super conscious about my pets names they are all a single word no numbers no underscores. On my current account I have a pet who is named after Mitsuko Souma a crazy character from battle royale xD My other pet on this account has a 4 letter name that sounds like a gun ... I don't like guns but the name was to good to pass up. On my old account I have an Usuki Usul named a Japanese word relating to Harajuku. I like making my pets their own little people... sad I know xD
I normally come up with names with recent events that have happened to me. so if that was a emo day , its going to be a emo pet
I use names that i would name my children since i cant have anymore and i have plenty of names that i wanted to i try to use them for my pets...i know not original but i have to use them somehow or i will go nuts...
LOL i like this thread too well i name my pets like you name yours through people dear to me one i have a name after my nephew who died after 24 hours he was born the other was named after my bestfriend little brother which is my godson another one from my girlfriend and the last from an favorite kind of food xD
Traditional asian way of naming there kids! I throw a metal spoon and whatever sound it makes i name my pet that
It varies. I prefer names that sound "real". And names starting with specific letters. Like the letter V, for example. Lately, I've been on this world of warcraft kick. So a lot of my pets are named after characters found in warcraft lore. I have named pets after friends. c: Those particular pets mean a lot to me. Above everything else, I look for names that suit the pets species/color combination. And names that have great RP potential.
I usually, name mine base on the THEME of what I want to paint my pet to? if i want to have evil looking pet, I just name it base on evil name I like using _ and numbers its different... II_ xxx _II Ww_ xxx _wW Oo_ xxx _oO something like that.. for me, using those...they are pretty much a border for me...
I want their names to sound like reasonable petnames or nicknames. I too dislike all kinds of underscores and extra numbers etc. The theme of the names depends on the rest of the account and account name. And passing fandoms and such always bear an effect
I name them from either a Manga I've read or from use a name from the card game MtG. That's how I decide, pretty simple. ~Parisdirt
I have played many games in the last couple of years and when naming a pet I usually pick a character name from one of those games. Or I'll mix and match names from other games. Sometimes I'll even do TV characters.
I ONLY want petnames with no underscores, no numbers and a capital first letter etc. I usually find a name irl and change it a bit and try my way and usually in the end I find a name either similar or far away from the original name but I still like it :] I did have some UCs with BNs before I got chainiced...
i like to have names more concentrated on mythological beasts and heroes. I dont know i just lie those names. I do use underscores and try to stay away with numbers.
I name mine after family members or something in common with family members. Only the nice ones though. NP doesn't allow dirty words :lol: