Soo VCDs are so 8004953987583645 years ago, but they are VERY cheap, and annoying to figure out its files. {My mom buys them to send over to Canada} I want to be able to pull the video file out of the VCD, and save it as a file onto my computer to watch. But the thing is, there are a million files in this VCD disc with their following contents: CDI: CDI_IMAG.RTF CDI_TEXT.FNT CDI_VCD.APP CDI_VCD.CFG EXT: LOT_X.VCD SCANDATA.DAT PSD_X.VCD MPEGAV: AVSEQ01.DAT AVSEQ02.DAT AVSEQ03.DAT SEGMENT: empty VCD: ENTRIES.VCD LOT.VCD INFO.VCD PSD.VCD I have nooo idea what any of these files and format is/how to open them or rip them. It'd be nice if someone knows a little about them so I can learn from it, even if I don't find the answer to my question.
Don't know much about VCDs, but after a little bit of googling: Ripping VCDs: About VCDs: Should just be a simple program(which you might have to buy or find another thing to get a copy of it for life, cough) don't know why you needed a thread but meh.
I was actually posting a thread so someone might be able to help me learn about the file formats in the folders, not so much as ripping, and how. Not to mention, it's always nice to ask and see if anyone had similar experience, instead of reading stuff yet.
If I had to guess, the largest file by far would be the file with the video... And the rest would just be meta-data, aka just data that gives a little info on the video.