How Many Different Items Do You Have In Your Safety Deposit Box? In My New Profile *Got Iced T.T* I Currently Have 2110.
Around 4 months. I've just been collecting since day 1 of having this new account. I keep most of what I find/earn/buy.
I have 524...still need to stock up for pack rat avvie. I don't really seek out stuff to put in kind of just accumulates over time
i have had 6k over items in my sdb, A few of rare stamps and etc, just that i'm too lazy to price them all lol
Honestly? I'm just a hoarder when it comes to items. :3 I want one of everything! Or as close as I can get to that goal anyways. ^-^
Well even if I was, some things there are only a limited number of on the site. I think they even made only one of a few items! Which I'd never get my hands on!
I doubt anyone would/could make a program to do that. Even if they did, you'd get iced automatically for having an impossible item. :/