I stumbled across this.. randomly... figured I'd see what it came up with. Was rather disappointed to be honest... I was hoping for alot higher. http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=pound_adoption_costs Using that, input your pets stats, and it will tell you what your pet will cost if you had to adopt it. Unfortunately, since I started using lab ray I've down down about 80 levels - Which is good for costs, as dropped my adopt cost to lower than it used to be. Your Pet's Adoption Cost: 43566 NP Whats yours? Wait.. I can post that link right
Your Pet's Adoption Cost: 88452 NP Used to train, but I'm too lazy to now xD (And nope, don't wanna use programmes to do this, ahaha~)
Mine would be better.. maybe not that good, if my pet was at its correct level But thats rather impressive.. Roughly what level/stats are you? Wow two people with higher stats that me... And still, alot of other people with what I'd assume is either a high level, or semi decent stats! I'm impressed!
checked this morning then forgot to post. It's a lousy 2240, due to my account only being 2 months old and the calculations not caring about hit points
Your Pet's Adoption Cost: 373599 NP Another reason why I don't lend out this pet, who has an aged snowbunny (zapped)
Level 180-190 Strength is just over 200 Defence is quite low though compared to that. Movement is over 100
Aaaah!! It's definitely the level that holds me back then... Because my stats are approx double what you just said But my Level is low... thanks to lab ray and von roo
Your Pet's Adoption Cost: 6290 NP Compared so some of yours mine seems so.... cheap. XD I just started training though so, it's a work in progress.