Yeah, tittle says it all, Just say an estimate if you want. Also include if you earned it playing fairly or by cheating. I'll start it off. I have about 80m , and I've been playing for about 3 years. No cheating yet, but I plan to soon
well if you start cheating...I'd suggest selling your legit nps first cause you don't want to lose all that I have...0 nps right now? main just got frozen for ABing (probably because someone sent me illegit nps they claimed to be legit...>___>)
Aw that sucks... I'm at 450k np right now, legit, and I've been playing maybe a month and a half tops.
Well I would use a side acc on a different computer to cheat, so that would reduce the chances of my main getting iced. How much could you sell 80m nps btw? Just wondering. Also 450k for 1month an't bad, keep going at it.
well you'd have to be very careful and use a completely new ip address and make sure that the two accounts never touch... wait until you're level one and you'll be able to see our blackmarket legit nps sell for around $5-$6/mill
So transfering the nps from my cheating side acc wouldn't be a good idea? and wow, I'd make a good deal of cash from my nps o.0 That's awesome. Can't wait.
from your side to your main? bad idea but really...if you're going to cheat, sell your legit first money doesn't get frozen =P
Ok thanks you for the help. One more question Though, would there be any way to transfer the nps to my main, with a low risk of getting iced?
Tally: 80mil and no cheating yet? What made you start? xD I still have 90mil from when I ABed late last year and I haven't earned much, if any at all except through the SM, since.
Yeah The reson I started, is because I kept hearing of people making more then I'm making with a lot less effort, people like you
0np! I don't play neopets. Sometimes my friends give me items for them to sell, but thats about it I just like making programs
awe I only have 1.2mil legit...I wanna start making some illegit but I dont know how to go about doing it with out loosing my account help and tips are totally appricated
All in all i got about 25 million now... my best aaccount got iced... i had about 75 million there... in fact, it was my only legit one the illegit dind't get iced... i don't understand TNT