Howdy guys, out of curiosity, ive never SS before, how risky is it, you could make heeps from the WC challenges... I notice theirs recommended times to be sent, if done correct is it almost undetectable?
Depends on whos doing the sending...dont send crazy scores with impossible times and you should be alright
list soo basically neo has score/time limits that if you surpass you'll most likely always get banned you'll know when this happens cause you'll be reviewed (even if you didn't hit the review score for high scores) but these limits are pretty ridiculous (like 20-30 seconds for some games) i think you'll probably get banned in the beginning until you can tell for yourself what kind of ss'ing will get you banned
Thank you for asking this question! It was confusing me as well! So basically if you take it easy and try to stay on the safe side with score/times you'll be fine?
more or less also don't SS on multiple accounts (for profits at least...avatars/trophies may be alright) remember 10x december? I'd run SS lists w/ ~300 scores and not get banned (well...that was until i did it on multiple accounts) basically...if you love your acct, stay on the safe side but if you're alright with a gamble, risk it (you'll lose some acct but probably earn way more in nps) people i'd recommend trying talking to if you want more detailed info grapefruit (if he's around) - SS'ing for profit dark - SS'ing for trophies
Thanks, that does make sense if you think about it I guess. lol I plan on only doing it on one account anyhow when ever I get around to downloading a program off here for it. ^_^
As november is the birth month of neopets...they allow scores 10 times(rather than normal 3 times per day)during nov-dec.. I am also wondering how safe SS really is.. Like if i send a score well within review or trophy score am i safe...for sure?? And i suppose TNT monitors amount of games played..and total time(nobody can play flash games for 24 straight)..
as far as i know. as long as you dont abuse it.. ss is safe. i got a score reviewed by TNT using a score sender and i never got iced. consider me lucky or just played it right
Which program is best when it comes to SS? I'm very interested in it as well. Would it be safer to SS on an account that is older? Or does the age even matter?
Score sending is probably the easiest way to get iced. Mostly because a lot of people dont use them right and always get caught. IMO
yeah but if you use it right, it's sooo win grapefruit made over 100m in december if i remember correctly D:
Would SSing on Altador Cup games work? Like SSing YooYu Ball so you don't have to play it? lol I'm not sure. But that's what the auto players are for.
The risk in SSing is just like ABing. If you are stupid about it, you will get iced. Its possible to make a SSer for the Altadoor cup games, but using a normal score sender will not work.
im happy with making 50k aday, that covers my training of a pet and my daily shares ... STILL WANTING ACCOUNTS