I know back in 2000 I used to sign up fake accounts and actually get the prizes for fake referrals, but it looks like it's changed quite a bit. Has any one successfully tricked the updated referral program into thinking a fake referral was real?
I think you can still do it. However, if I recall correctly, TNT requires the other accounts to have real emails because you don't get a referral until they put in the confirmation code thing. But if you get your referral count up too quickly, TNT will notice and check the other accounts. I was frozen a few years back trying to make fake accounts. And before the prizes weren't even worth it. I think you needed 75 or 100 to get a good PB or prize.
Jeez 75 in?! Yeah it might not be worth doing still if there's a risk of being frozen for it. Thanks for the warning.
Spoiler 1 Referral: 100 NP 2 Referrals: 200 NP 3 Referrals: 500 NP 5 Referrals: 1,000 NP or a TCG 7 Referrals: Bottled Faerie 10 Referrals: One Dubloon Coin 15 Referrals: Random Codestone 20 Referrals: Level Up for your pet 25 Referrals: Five Dubloon Coin 30 Referrals: Set of bottled Faeries 40 Referrals: Set of Codestones 50 Referrals: Basic Paint Brush 75 Referrals: Super Rare Item 100 Referrals: Rare Paint Brush Those were the old prices Spoiler 1 Referral: 500 NP 2 Referrals: 1,000 NP 3 Referrals: 2,000 NP 5 Referrals: One Dubloon Coin 7 Referrals: Bottled Faerie 10 Referrals: Mystery 15 Referrals: Mystery 20 Referrals: Mystery 25 Referrals: Mystery 30 Referrals: Mystery 40 Referrals: Mystery 50 Referrals: Mystery 75 Referrals: Mystery 100 Referrals: Mystery 150 Referrals: Mystery 200 Referrals: Mystery 250 Referrals: Mystery 300 Referrals: Mystery 400 Referrals: Mystery 500 Referrals: Mystery As you can see there isn't much resemblance. Just that the newer system is more rewarding than the older one, so i think you might get a nice price with lets say 50 referrals. You got to be really good to take an advantage of the RP. Neopets freezes you if they find something suspicious. I have done it before with another member of NF. So two different IPs and two different mails. And we got till 5 referrals and then we got caught. I think they also look at the time you sign up with neopets using the referrallink. and every day one referral might be the best option here. but still would draw questions if you overuse it. ;D So be careful have patientce if you want to do this kind of cheating ;D