It's very annoying to save up so much money for an Unbuyable (100k+) wearable, only to find it so ugly on your neopet. Thankfully, there's this new website called Dress to Impress. Dress to Impress ( allows you to select either 1) your pet 2) a set pet and color (ex. Alien Acara) and then enter wearables into a search engine, and wear these wearables. In effect, you would be sampling these non-NC mall wearables, to see if they are fitting for your pet. There are also other sites that offer preview features like this, but I found this one to be the most comprehensive and detailed system of them all. The coding is also very user-friendly and professional: (Here's a photo guide I made on Paint. Yay! :yup: Copyright to NF and me.) Hope this helps you out!
Yeah I just found it the other day. Love it already. Btw, I'm stealing your siggy style Shawn. I want a spoiler too (Lol, random)
There are some good pet sites that show how the furniture and stuff look like: etc
Thanks! I remember seeing something like this once but I had lost the URL. It'll prevent me from buying another clothes item that doesn't work on my pet at all rofl. (Did that last week.)