How to use AB Scripts + Adblocker

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by DeNo, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    So ive never really paid attention to this side of AB'ing.
    What exactly is an AB scripts, auto hagger etc etc.

    And same for Adblocker?

    How do i use them and where can i get them?

  2. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Most of those are self-explanatory. Since you're mentioning scripts, I'm guessing you want to know about the kind that run in-browser. Most of those are Greasemonkey (Add-on for Firefox - scripts. An AB script would be a complete script that autobuys for you, such as Heya's Blaze MSABer (downloads.php?d=284).

    An auto-haggling script, on the other hand, is a script that just haggles for you once you actually get to the buy page. These are used for "semi-legit" RSing, but a lot of people make the point that if you're going to use an auto-haggler, you may as well just go all-out and use an ABer. I'm not sure where you can find some scripts, but a lot of GM (Greasemonkey) scripts can be found here: (Remember, though, that since it's not NF you need to be careful of CGers and the suchlike.) Also, I think some of the ABer scripts here on NF still auto-haggle for you when the ABer isn't on...?

    Adblocker is another Firefox Add-on ( As you can guess from the name, it's usually used for blocking ads around the net - e.g. if you use one of the automatic subscriptions available as an option after installing it, it'll block ads for you based on your country. (I use it to block the annoy ads on Neopets.) You can also use it to block certain aspects of the page, for example I block the mamabar (Nick bar on the top of the page in NEo) using it.

    Adblocker in this sense is fairly legit, but it's illegit in that you can also use it to block specific images. For example, adblocker lists for Neo are lists of image URLs that block the images for non-profitable items from RSing. (Again, part of semi-legit RSing.) This way you don't have to manually check if an item is profitable or not; if you see the image after a restock you know it is. It's a faster way to RS, but of course against the Neopets rules. I think there are a couple complete and quite a few incomplete Adblocker lists here on NF, and some users have private ones you can buy, as well.

    I think that covered most of your questions, but any others?
    Commy and DeNo like this.
  3. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Thanks for the awesome help Anfan :)

    In your experience, is AB'ing or semi-legit'ing faster?

    I know for some they really prefer Semi-Legit
  4. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    ABing, of course. With semi-legit, you're sitting there and just manually refreshing to wait for a restock, then clicking the image (whichever aren't blocked), then automatically getting auto-haggled or whatever (or macroing - setting up a particular key to automatically input a certain combo of numbers, e.g. making F8 9898 and F7 5454 for 10k and 5k restocks, respectively), then doing the captcha manually.

    With an ABer, you just set it up and leave it there. Since Adblocking+autohaggling is illegit anyways, why not just save yourself the time and AB? :arf: