I know they are random. But it's too random. After my chain ice, I started a new account, and an ABing side. It was great using the AB for the first week I AB'd. I got 3mill in a span of a week or so. Then I stopped ABing as much. Yesterday, I went on ANOTHER old side account, 52 months {diff from my first ABing one I mentioned} and I got RS banned after restocking just one snorkle snout. So today, I went back to my first ABing account and turned my ABer on there. I only have one item on the list by the way and it was at spooky food. I made sure I wasn't RS banned. Then I came home, and noticed that I got RS banned even when I bought nothing, not even an attempt. But even so..after my account was RS banned, it would get RS banned so much more often too. Like buy one or two item, get banned, etc. It's so inconsistent..but after the first RS ban ever on the old account, I noticed that RS bans occur more frequently.
Well, RS bans are random as you said so there technically isn't a true pattern to them. I have only been RS banned twice in my life.
Great Idea!!!! "Hello TNT. I would like an explanation as to why I was recently RS banned. Even though I was running an ABer, I had not even successfully attempted to buy anything and found myself RS banned after some time. Whaddafuxupwitdat!?" lulzy
^ Your post gavce me teh lulz :yup: Wait so I don't get it..you're saying it's random, but I should rant about it through a glitch form?? [...]
I don't think you should. It might draw unwanted attention from TNT, and you might end up being frozen.
Haha yeah Commy. I was being sarcastic It's so strange that this pattern developed for my accounts before I got iced and after as well..
You should maybe change the refresh rate that you're using. Back when i was a legit restocker, I would refresh every 7 seconds, i could get restock banned after an hour or so. However, you'd have to be super lucky to catch a restock using more than 7 seconds between refreshes.
I agree with Hal...I always thought RS bans were like SW bans in that they were due to refreshing, not buy attempts
RS bans aren't about how much stuff you buy, more like how long you've been restocking and what settings. (If you do 1-3 seconds, with no attempts, you'll get banned fairly quick; if you do 5-9 seconds with moderate pauses, you could ab 5 stamps and you most likely won't be banned.)
I'm curious as to what an rs ban really is. I mean I get the general concept but what exactly is it. I've never been rs banned so...
It's when you can't see any items in the shop. You can't restock because you got banned from doing so for a small amount of time. So yeah basically you see NOTHING in ANY shops. Not even places that always has left overs.
So how do you know? When you don't see anything for an hour straight? You can still play the site normally though right?