Hellooo everyone! I am Umeyr an indian from Singapore. I chanced upon this site while randomly typing neofriends in google and im amazed such a cool and well-establised site existed. Most forums are using vb im amazed how this site can work well with phb. Basically i play neopets, ichumon, subeta and mu online. I also play some online virtual games that deal with real life cash. I am looking for a virtual iphone for sale anyone has please add me at umeyrkureemun@hotmail.com I hope my introduction is long and detailed enough.
Hello there, welcome to NF! Sorry for this generic welcome message, I'm trying to say hi to everyone and today there's like 10 threads to reply to, blah. But I do read your post and I mean every word; I'm honestly glad to have you! If you haven't already, you'll want to read the stickies in this topic: viewforum.php?f=73 Aaand that's it, I think? See you around! And, also, I am really really really jealous of you. I want to go to Singapore pretty badly. =P
No, really? It seems like such an exciting place! You have beautiful beaches and nature on the island, and then you also have the exciting urban city! Plus I read XiaXue. =P