Yeah I was bored so I took a pic of the wall above my desk. ^ This is the one my cousin sent me when she went to Taiwan. It looks nice against the window/sunlight so I hung it there. I don't know enough people to have them send me post cards..but yeah this is what I have, mainly picked up from vacation. *cough*sendmepostcardsifyouwant*cough*
I doubt you'd want one from Australia. So i'll take a photo of myself naked, photoshop in big muscles and send it your way
Are you kidding? I really want one from Australia..cuz it seems more attractive than the naked pic kthnx
HAHA GOOD EYE! He is my "dreaming only" hubby/boyfriend Aaron Yan from Taiwanese boy band Fahrenheit <3 <3 <3
Instincts Haha you are so not Aaron Yan. I wish I can meet him. Maybe we'd fall madly in love. LOL who am I kidding shiet like that only happens in dramas.
^ A lot of people do which is sad lol. I'm one of the very few fangirls who don't die to go to their concerts, who don't die to meet him, who don't die to see him since no matter what I do it won't make a difference anyways, so a few small wall scrolls, some DVDs and stuff is good enough for me as far as admiring goes