I was using my autobuyer, and at the same time I was updating pet pages on my side account cause I didn't want to be on my main... I pasted what I thought was a premade pet lookup, and pressed update. When I went to look at the result, I realise I have pasted in a COOKIESTRING (!!!) from my autobuyer. So I try and clear the description, no luck. I try replacing it, the address is still there... I ended up abandoning the pet. This all happened in about 1 minute! The cookie string had my main account name in it. Do you think they'll still have a record of it, and freeze me? This sucks... I was only using the ABer to get the uni avatar... edit: this is possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever done... lol If I don't get frozen, by some miracle, I am never using an ABer again! edit: I'm stressing about this. Would I have been frozen instantly if I was going to be frozen. Or can it be at any time?
1. Why can't you just edit it out? 2. You're more than likely fine. If you think about it logically, TNT can't monitor EVERYTHING at any given time. Sure, they might have logs, but do you honestly think they have the time to sift though billions of log entries?
I have no idea why I couldn't edit it out. I tried pressing clear, and I tried deleting it, but it was still there... I thought maybe TNT would make a log if someone posted an offsite link, which it was cause the cookie link started with http://www.google.com I think... The pets been adopted and the description is gone now. Sucks more because it was a snow pet and i havnt had a transfer to get the avvie on my main yet. But as long as i don't get frozen I'll be thankful! Thanks for the reassurance, I hope you're right
I would have to agree with the above user, I really don't think you have anything to worry about from TNT. However, if anyone looked up your page, as stated, "With my password," there may be an issue there. I would change it ASAP if not already done. Hope this helps.
Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by 'with my password'? Maybe it's just the way I'm reading it. I don't really know how cookie strings work. Does it mean that my password is available to someone if I give them a cookie string? Sorry for being so ignorant on the subject...
I am guessing that TNT would miss your accidential mistake, they cant possible know each and every mistake made by players, surely more than just a few slip by their monitering.
All seems to be OK so far... so I think I've been lucky! Really stupid thing to do though, I thought I was going to be frozen right after the weekend, but I wasn't! Got the avvie aswell lol
lol, you won't get frozen and theres no reason to stop AB'ing, that wont get you frozen and they wouldn't notice it...
lol, phobia, if he never stops AB'ing he may get frozen. Even on the igloo it looks suspicious when you constantly refresh it without a purpose, it may appear as though he's using a resfresher. Heh.
lol When I get paranoid about getting frozen I usually lay low for aweek on the acct, and don't do anything but dailies, It seems to work. I think you will be fine.
I'm a girl!! You don't refresh without a purpose though do you... you refresh to restock. I use igloo ABer quite a lot and I've never had a problem. It's just the main shop ABer that scares me a little... but all's good
i think i done something like that b4, just to see what happen... i just replace it with a userlookup, and its gone have you try that?
Yea I did that but the cookie string was still in the 'description' box and even pressing 'clear' didn't get rid of it. So I abandonned the pet... lol he was a snow pet so it was quite a sad time