> all i really need is a working autobuyer, and im set, but apparently i have to have this "forum cash" where does it show your balance of forum cash anyway?
You can find it on your profile, or to your left of one of your posts. Right where it says all your info you can find your forum cash. Remember to read the rules! viewtopic.php?f=73&t=11757 And don't spam! Have fun!
You come here for an Autobuyer like everyone else does, but don't leave after you get your ABer. Stick around, we're a good community just for chillen and while being bored at Work (like I am). READ READ READ the rules please... don't go spamming for points and then only to find yourself banned and you wont be able to use your autobuyer anyways. Make sure you're posts are something of value and are legitiment.
You can buy an autobuyer for $30 from here, if thats all you want. But you're welcome to chat around a lot!
I'm new too. This site is great. Wish I found it years back. All the programs here are amazing, but after you get your AB dont leave, stick around and chat.