So i am going to sell a LEV to someone on the site, but i want to be super safe since this is such a big trade. So how should we do it?
one way to do it is put it in your shop for say 80k and then get him to buy it.. that way can pass it off as a noob that rs it and put it in his shop just gota make sure u get the timing right
in that case use a middle man.. just make sure he is level 5+ so anyone in red blue or black if we can work out a time when all 3 of us are on i can do it and im sure other of the listed mems would help as well
I'll vouch for Commy vouching for Dark as a safe Middleman Go for somebody with a really high trade rating too, that way you know that they're experienced with trades
Ummm, bros and broetss not a good idea to discuss such a specific and valuable item perhaps in a very public forum? If you did a shop transfer might look obvious.. how often do people put LEV's in a shop honestly.. move to black market or somewhere with at least some restrictions?
Leaded Elemental Vial It's a much sought after BD item that gives a full heal, worth 40m odd nps (maybe more now, haven't checked in quite some time)