I was bored and decided to see if my student number was a taken neopet name. And then I saw an old account. I found out the email it was on, I just don't remember the birthdate I put. x.x Help.
3 Years xD I know the birthdate isn't correct because I was almost 11 when I made this account, and I know I put that the birthdate was over 13. xD
i dont think anyone can actually "birthday crack" anymore cuz neo mobile is done... but i could be wrong I wish soo much i could crack my old bdays.. so many old accounts.. one thats sitting with what would be now, UC pets and a 8yr shield.. XD Its hard good luck tho, wish i could help
Add the account, look at the age of the account. Then try your own birthday with whatever year that account would have been born in. That's how I found all of my old ones.