I have no credit card, neither do I want to send them my photo ID (I'm below their allowed age) Now what? I can't even send money, so I have funds just stuck there
I'm pretty sure you have to have a credit / debit card to send money, you could ask your parents or someone old enough to borrow theirs? just to get the money out?
Dang. I dot want to kink my parent's CCs to my paypal account. Will paypal send conformation letters or credit card statements if I do link it to my dad's CC? He wouldn't like it if he found out.
X 2 They send 2 small amounts (from 0.01$ to 0.05$) You simply reply what amount you received and voilà !
..Second to that, create an Australian Paypal Account. You can send/receive fine without confirming your account. That doesn't help your current stuck finds (although the prepaid debit car sound like a good way to go!!), but it will help others in the future
im confused by all this, ive always just created paypal accounts and never has to worry about verifying them or anything in order to send/receive payments ive never had a verified paypal account ever
I think you have to verify your account in order to take money from your bank and add it to your paypal, other than that there is no advantage.
Go to a bank and set up your own account. If you’re 16+, you can get one no strings attached in the US.
Oh I see. I'll try the prepaid debit. I have an idea, don't know if it will work. What if I sold this paypal account to someone who can verify and create a Canada/Australia account :lol:
the prepaid debit works (or at least it did on my paypal acct) but selling paypal accts is kinda sketchy since you're only supposed to have one acct