I got a review for a score using the greasemonkey SSer, what are the chances of it passing or me getting frozen, and if they do freeze me will they freeze all accounts on that IP?
Here's another thread about reviewed scores if you wanna peruse through the posts. general-chit-chat-f6/reviewed-when-will-i-feel-the-sting-of-the-banhammer-t35286.html
Review doesn't mean 100% freeze, just that there is a higher/mostly freeze. Of course, as long as your score is reasonable and the time is good then you are fine
Depends on why the score was reviewed. If its because the score is past the review score or if its for a trophy, you may not be iced if you used a decent wait time. But if you were reviewed because you set the time too low, don't expect to escape freezing unless you're really lucky. Good luck
I got a few reviewed scores from a scoresender and they were accepted so I'm guessing it's all luck and down to how long you wait. Might be worth transferring anything valuable out of the account though just in case you do get frozen.
What game was it? If you have a reasonable time, they wont freeze. but they wont count your score for avatar/trophy