Say, I go through and ad-block junk items that rs in shops, will I be iced for doing so? I personally, don't see how they can track it, but if they can, I'd like to know before I go through and ad-block every junk thing in pharm, magic, stamp, and merifoods.
It is iceable no idea if traceable though xD For 500k you can have my adblock lists, that has the majority of shops adblocked
Doesn't really help my question. I guess it does in a way, but I kinda figured you could be iced, I want to know how traceable it is... Oh, and no thanks for the ad-block list. It'll take me less than 5mins to go through and block the shops that I want to block.
I don't see how they can track it either, but supposedly its an offense to block java (ads) seeing as it gives an unfair advantage. But Mozzila has a add-on for adblocking and I have used it for a month and nothings happened
its really low freeze .. i havent heard of anyone getting frozen from it... if you need to know how to Adblock refer to my guide in the spolier in my sig.
Alright, thanks ak, that's what I wanted to know. And, I already know how to ad-block, I just didn't want to go through and block 100 something images, then get iced a day later for it.
It's not the adblocking that gets you... it's first and foremost your refreshing habits. Sure, you CAN sit at your computer for a couple of hours straight and refresh in shops non-stop - it's humanly possible - but if your behavior resembles that of an autobuyer, meaning that you refresh in very few shops and/or refresh very rapidly, you will get frozen without question. It doesn't matter if you leave all the evidence in the world to indicate that you were actually present at the computer - you're frozen and they won't listen to you or give your account back. The End. They're pudwhackers. Now, that first part is true whether or not you were actually getting anything, believe it or not. I was tremendously unsuccessful at restocking and quite often bought things (especially out of Battle Magic) that LOST me money, and they still froze me. The worst autobuyer in the world would not have done half as badly as I did. Did I mention they're pudwhackers? But there's a second part to this too, and that's how successful you are. Even if you had an autobuyer set to a relatively low refresh rate and didn't do it for TOO long, which would normally mean you'd fly under their radar, if you got really lucky and grabbed say, four/five/six (?) morphing potions in an hour and a half, then it's gonna be more unlucky than lucky because again, you'll get frozen. The same thing would hold true if you grabbed multiple MPs using Adblock as well, or if you did it totally legit, because it's not that they really "detect" that much, it's that you do something that they think = autobuyer behavior which = you're on ice. So it's a difficult game. On one hand, you're competing with a ton of ABers and so-called "semi-legit" restockers, which means you have to be unbelievably lucky and/or fast at what you do. On the other hand, whether doing it legit or not you can and will be frozen if you go too fast, so the only way to guarantee you won't be frozen is to go so far out of your way to prove you AREN'T autobuying (aka going sloooooow) that you stand very little chance of succeeding.
It is a freezable offence. As for the freeze rate, or whether they can even track it, I don't know. Dreamlorde, there's no solid evidence that proves that people who use ABers are frozen solely because of the refresh rate. That's probably one of the many criterion that they base their freezing on, but I would be doubtful that is the only thing they base it on.
I agree... I wasn't trying to say that it was the only consideration for a freeze. But I'm very sure it's the first thing they look at. And it's such a big deal to them that if your refresh rate is faster than whatever they think it should be, you'll be frozen regardless of anything else. I don't have any experience with ABers, but I know from experience the difference between Adblock restocking that will get you frozen and Adblock restocking that won't - and it isn't whether or not you got or missed that Energizing Elixir or whether you restocked for two straight hours or not that makes the difference. I restocked the same way for months. Eight or nine shops open in separate tabs. Cycle through them refreshing, stop on a random one, wait for 10 seconds, go through them all again. No problem with TNT. The only problem is, it's a piss-poor way to restock. So I reduced the number of shops to five. Restocked the same way. No problem. But when I reduced the number of shops I restocked in to three and cycled through them at around 2 seconds per, which meant I hit each of the three shops once every six or seven seconds, I found myself frozen the very next day. I was essentially doing the same thing I'd always been doing, but changing the shops/refresh time too low spelled quick doom, moronic though it was.
The refresh rate is pretty minimal compared to the buy speed, and what the account looks like. If you have a consistent buy speed of .1ms in magic, TNT won't even look at the refresh rate - they'll just destroy you. Whereas, if you consistently buy items in magic at a fair rate, and you have a strange looking account, they probably will monitor your refresh rates and punish you accordingly. As for you getting frozen, I haven't heard much about people being frozen for something like that - I know a lot of people who do that.. and probably a lot faster and for a lot longer periods of time. Hell, I know people who AB like that for months and still aren't frozen - the fact you were frozen in a day is either attributed from TNT thinking you're an ABer from previous evidence, or something else. That something else could be a number of things: AdBlocking images is one (as it is gaining an unfair advantage), macros, GM scripts, etc, can all get you. But, to reiterate, refresh rates aren't generally the priority when TNT track ABers.
I've found ( and heard ) That having screenies of all your RSes and posting them up on a petpage can help a lot as well. Especially ones with like great items in a shop that you missed and on the screenie something like "darn it missed _______ worth __k!!!11!!" And if you post your "Thank you for purchasing _____" things on message boards that helps too. Granted it's all extra work. But it helps show you're a human sitting there.
Neopets themselves have said in a previous Neopian Times issue (I cannot remember which) that the Adblock feature of Firefox will not get you frozen. The disabling of Java however will.
Rubbish. I wrote in my diary every time I missed a high value item and when I got something good too, both for the purpose of proving that I wasn't autobuying and just to vent. It's stone-cold, indisputable proof that I was there at the computer at the time that the entries were made, and I was frozen anyway and still am. I don't believe for a second that screenshots to back up my diary entries would have made a difference. Maybe videotaping myself taking screenshots to back up my diary entries......, nevermind. That wouldn't have helped either.
Anybody who knows a lick of HTML can fake a screenshot. Or you could just borrow one from somebody who is displaying their screenshot, lol.