Well... Ive been successfully abing with 13 accts for 4 days... It takes about 9hrs for them all to get 10 items and is working perfectly... I was thinking of str8 up making 13 more accounts to literally max out the amount of accounts I can possibly have iglooing at once... I was thinking that this finally may be a little too greedy, but if you think about it, if I can get away with 13, why not 26? Discuss--
and then you ruin igloo for all of us.. personaly i think its not fair for u to be tryingto steal the igloo from everyone im fine with u useing it one account on igloo at a time that doesnty make to much compatition but when ur runing 3+ accounts at a time i think thats getting to gready
I really dont make that much more competition... My friend igloos at his house and gets an item every 15 minutes while im running... And either way I am greedy >
I say make as many as you feel like. I can make 100 accounts to age every single one of them but Im way too lazy to actually sit here and do it. Using Imageclicks I could get around 60k each which means a grand total of...6million NPs in 1 day. But alass I don't have the patience to sit here and set them all up.
dont you get ban, making 6mil in one day? or do you just leave it in the account and slowly transfer?
I guess that would explain the igloo items disappearing so quickly. I found the program excellent, and haven't been frozen. I was worrying about using another account for it, but I guess that answered my question.
In another post I believe he stated he was using different IP's. It was on the topic regarding him getting pwned, ::semi-lol then small cry:: I know it must suck to have anything iced, especially if you work so hard to get to the point your at, legitimate or not. His account was chain-freezed, but I believe 8 or so remained. He's also offering 200K NP to anyone willing to create six accounts for him. I hope this helps in answering your question.. although I believe his answer, being as he is the TC, could prove more informational.
Make it look like something real. Go on your 1 account with 1 IP and set up auctions for things at crazy high prices. Go on your other accounts on different IPs (Could be the same since your pretty sure your getting frozen anyways) and bid on those auctions. Thats 1 way of doing it.
not a good idea because people see you do that i would prefer trading all the items onto one account and then selling them
Really, the same ip. That could explain some of it Adam lol. Im sorry your accouts were frozen, thats got to suck. I just hope none of them were semi-main's, or mains.
well, you can transfer the items through shop? snipping it, set the price at $1? wouldn't that work? i been doing that for awhile know, thats how i transfer my items... its not 100% safe, but you know...
Some people dont have an igloo buyer and go to the igloo sale with hopes of getting a great item.....when they see all the items gone.....imagine how fusterated they feel....................lol
haha, that's what happen to my mate. she was telling hoe bad it is to cheat, and so on... then she took 2hrs Iglooing, and got nothing. lol man, i'm mean
I'm too paranoid to use a igloo buyer on my main, and I don't have any sides at the moment. Are the iglooers pretty safe if you only use on one acct? I know I buy every once in a while but I always get the low profit items, it's all thats left because I do it legitly.