[IL] Zurroball

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Jubixion, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Jubixion

    Jubixion Level II

    Jun 11, 2009
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    This is an automated way of playing Zurroball and it can continue for as long as you like. It IS in a way, illegit, but this got me a trophy without getting frozen or anything. I did this on 1st June 2009 and received the trophy the next day.

    The general idea behind this method is to have your mouse cursor to be right under the ball, in the center of it. Click on that spot will cause the ball to only go horizontally up and down without moving sideways or whatever. There are 2 ways to do this.

    AutoClicker Method
    Download Mofiki's AutoClicker here

    Once you open the program, it should look something like this

    Untick "Click where ever you place your mouse", set number of clicks to something like "9999999" and under "Time between clicks", write "0.1" in the 1/10 box.

    Next, open whatever browser you use and make sure it is maximised. Go to the Zurroball game page and play the game in the default size.

    Now this part will take a few tries. Once the game has loaded, choose any ball. This is only to find the coordinates for the very centre of the ball. Metal is easiest since its so heavy, it would be easy to see if the ball travels sideways or not. Once you have chosen a ball, switch back to the AutoClicker and click "Find Coordinates". Place your mouse at the VERY bottom of the circular window, somewhere near the red dot.
    If you think you've gotten the center, press spacebar. By now, probably all the balls have dropped already so you just have to restart the game. We will now check whether we've gotten the exact centre. Select your ball once again and press start on the AutoClicker. It will start in 5 seconds.

    Observe the ball when the AutoClicker starts to click. If the ball flies to the left, decrease your x-coordinates in the Autoclicker and try again and vice versa. Once you have found your sweet spot, you can practically leave the autoclicker running and it'll click for you for quite some time. You can go and relax and watch some movie or something xD

    I did about 3k clicks and decided to stop since I was already in the high scores, I'm almost 100% positive that everyone who has gotten more than 3k probably uses an automated program/script. Anyway, I doubt you'll get frozen since there's no counter in the swf that counts the number of clicks you do.

    One problem with this autoclicker is that once you start it, it minimizes to the taskbar and you'll have to close it and reopen again to make any changes with the properties. To pause the clicker, press the Pause/Break button on your keyboard. Remember that when you open it again, always uncheck the "Click where ever you place your mouse" option.

    The Macro Method
    Well I'm sorry to say this but I have not managed to find a macro that allows you to set the coordinates of a mouse click. But the general way of setting up your macro is, on the zurroball page, set x and y coordinates to be the center of the ball, and continuously repeat the macro over and over again, doing the same function as an autoclicker.

    Overall, using an autoclicker is still the best as the speed between clicks will always be faster than a macro. Also, I could only provide the link to an autoclicker so that makes it the best method here xD

    Hope this guide helped you :)
  2. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    Nice guide :)

    Do you have any recommendations/good coordinates to use with the auto-clicker?

    I'd like verification on this.. because there must be some way TNT monitors that game and freezes people and I was under the assumption they monitor things other than the time spent playing the game.
  3. Jubixion

    Jubixion Level II

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    Its different on different computers because of screen/monitor size and the resolution you use. So you roughly have to go through the process of finding your own coordinates for that sweet spot. Though one problem I've faced before is that the coordinates sometimes change for no reason even when I'm using the same computer/resolution/game size.

    As for verification, well I certainly can't decompile the swf and search through the entire code. But everyone uses this to get into the highscores, unless you tell me that some guy would actually sit in front of a computer all day aiming and clicking the ball everywhere it goes till he manages to achieve 20k. That seems near impossible patience to have for me.

    There is one method I forgot to include though. Some people who do not have autoclickers with coordinate positioning will slowly find the sweet spot, and then unplug the mouse to ensure the cursor does not move as the autoclickers work away.
  4. Freya

    Freya Level III

    May 18, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    I can say no to that... it is possible to do this.... since you get more points for grounders, there are so freaks who know how to hit a lot of grounders and therefore get into the highscore...

    The best person at zurroball used the metal ball for a long time (perma grounding)
  5. Jubixion

    Jubixion Level II

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    Thats why I said almost xD There are a few totally pwnage people around who are able to do that, but I expect that the majority of high scorers did something like the above^.
  6. Synidaeum

    Synidaeum Level I

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    What in the world is a grounder, if I may ask? I can imagine what it might be, but I'm curious. This is one of my favorite games.
  7. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Zurroball(Illegit)

    Got another download link? That one is broken.
  8. Tally

    Tally Level III

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Seems like a good program, and freeze rate is probably really low on this. Nice find.
  9. upriser

    upriser Level II

    Jun 13, 2010
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    on the floor
    How do you pause the program?
  10. itunes

    itunes Level II

    Aug 24, 2010
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    Haha sick, also glad to read that TNT can't detect this :)
  11. neyla1

    neyla1 Newbie

    Sep 8, 2010
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    tnt wont detect this, i know this because i use speedgear to slow down advert attack, to get the gold trophy.
    really good guide, i didnt think of a auto clicker, saying that this game is so easy to get 1k.
  12. Stinky

    Stinky Newbie

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Isn't there a downloadable imacro which runs in the desktop?

    I thought there was?.

    Anyways, nice guide. I'd rep but.. *pokes rep power*