Is it worth completing any of these. After seeing the Illusen's staff selling for soo much im really tempted to throw all my money at the quest. Has anyone ever completed the quest on here?
farthest i got was 42, I wanted to start a r99 collecting group on nf but I dont know how well it would go. I dont think its worth going for the I staff unless you have at least 100 mill in r99's and friends with r99's also. what I mean by "not worth going for" is spending over 1 mill on the early 35-45 quests. I always keep doing the quests because there is a chance you get lucky and get the staff for less then 20 mill. There have been a few people who do.
I used to do it a long time ago but I cant remember what level I got to. How many levels are there and what is the final prize for them?
You can find that information here. Good ol' google. I did try it once, got past the leaf shield award, but then I had to stop when they asked for the ARGH!!!! DONNA STAMP. That's worth tens of millions, which I didn't have. And the trouble is, if you or your friends don't have the R99 item, unless somebody on the boards has it, you're not likely to find it in the auctions or on the trades in time.
These quests are mostly bogus wastes of money, due to the fact that it is highly unlikely (as people have previously stated) that you will get very far past 40, even if you have a lot of np...the act of finding all of the necessary r99s in the allotted time is the hard problem most of the time, not necessarily affording them
Yeah i guess it would be really hard to get the r99's in like 15 mins. I don;t think im going to do it... Do they ask for any random items or is there a trend?
i made it pretty high on judora.. but i think it was pure luck still didn't get bartimus... also what lvl needed for bartimus petpet?
i just googl'd it and you get Bartamus at level 41. go here for rest of the prizes:
I made it to the end of Jhudora's once. Then I got frozen the next day. That wand is worth hundreds of millions. I never would've had to cheat again.
omg doesn't that suck.... its a great weapon you get from a quest it does allot of damage... just too bad the quests are so hard to complete.
I can't really tell you...I stopped giving them stuff after I got the avatar for each one at level 20. I'm pretty stingy with my neopoints as it is, so I would probably say that it isn't worth it...
They're worth it, if you don't mind a mild loss for a decent gain. i.e. you may pay like 100k for the first 34 quests, but get a 2m item for 35, therefore losing your 100k. It's also good to make backup boards on the BD Chat or whatever they call it nowadays. I made did 1-34 once, all for about 75k, then got stumped on I35 so i didnt win the HP. ;/