As far as I know they had a new look not too long ago and i'm not saying that I hate it, it's just I wonder why they redid terror mountain again Now it's really confusing {Same with faerie land}
I like Terror Mountain a lot more than I like Faerieland. It has a classical look that I like. My favorite part is the smoke coming from the wheel on the right side of the map.
Mooie, someone else made a board about this quite a while ago. general-chit-chat-f6/new-terror-mountain-t25048.html
Lmao I don't think I was exactly checking the forums back in March.. Not to mention ..HALF A YEAR? Didn't exactly want to gravedig lol. But this just shows how much I navigate around neopets. LOL.
I don't mind them re-doing any parts of the world many times, as long as it looks cool; and with terror mountain, I think they did a good job . On the other hand....... faerieland, my eyes hurt ==;