Hey Isu80, is there something else we can call you by? I don't know, maybe a name or a nickname? xD I know it sounds kinda far fetched. Welcome to the site! I know this is your first post, but I HIGHLY suggest you don't post posts with 2 words in them, as you are highly likely to get flamed (flamed=BAD thing.. lol). But since you are new I guess everyone will try to let it slide? --- READ BELOW FOR INFO: b]Welcome to neofriends![/b] Be sure to check out the Rules and Ranks, How the Reputation works and browse around the rest of the Rules and Information board!!!! My name is Fexxel, or FX, and I hope you enjoy your stay! By the way, please do NOT spam or 1 liner, for if you do I (and I'm sure many other members) would -rep you. Thank you Thanks for reading, welcome to NF FX PS: As a tip, BE SURE YOU WANT A PROGRAM BEFORE PURCHASING IT (lol)! I made a mistake of buying some programs I didn't really want, and now I have no cash!