It's absurd... today I've discovered that I'm nominated for the provincial Maths Olimpiads :lol: LOL... the competition is going to be in only two weeks! I fear to arrive at the bottom I am nominated 'cause when there was the preliminary inschool test, the school was in automanagement, and only few people made this test. So I passed the heat with only 66/120 XD I'm afraid Do you have any advice? I'm looking at the past tests... but they are impossible :shock:
just relax if you screw up, what difference will it make in your life? really/ ive done a few of these, had to do the physics one as well.. so tough, but then i think, at least i got picked to do them so. good luck
Don't worry about, even qualifying is something that you can always use to your advantage when it comes to filling out resumes. No one has to know your score for that. But like smelly said, it's not the end of the world if you do poorly. I think its safe to assume math isn't your life, so don't take it to heart if the questions are too difficult. -I can promise you, the "real" world doesn't care about your math skills-
Thank you guys for the boosts! I really appreciate them (>^.^)> DesertSong are you sure the scores are secret? XD Thank goodness!^^" However... yes, math will not be my life, but I hope to do engineering in the future
I'm not sure if they're "secret" so to speak, but what I ment is that it's unlikely that someone would take the time to check into it. And just having things like that on a resume can set you apart. So use it.
Yes, I'm trying to do the past tests... but I have less then 2 weeks :| (and I don't understan anything XD) However again thank you^^ I'll acquaint (from the dictionary sometimes exit strange words like this XD) you of my result
Mathlinks Many people here have participated in the international MO...there are plenty of practice problems and people willing to help... ...and don't worry, I screwed up my AMC (school preliminary) too
firsy off congrats.. and dont stress yourself, you'll do fine, it wont kill you of you make one mistake
From my experience, the simply fact that you were able to get in at all looks fantastic for you. Your score wouldn't matter too much anyway unless you scored in the very top, so don't stress about it. You've already done the hard part by getting in. Think of the actual thing as a self-test just to push your own limits. And pushing those limits will many times lead to improvements, even if you don't score quite the way you'd like to. Either way, to increase the chance of you doing your best, don't stress about it too much. No matter how you score, it's still good