Well, One Its Reitred. Its R180. and its A Common Battledome Item. why dont all of us inflate it? I'm sure if each of us spend about 300k on em, they'll easily go up in price ^^
i dont think its smart, considering the little demand generated from it....(not that great of an item either )
It isnt suppose to do damage, it steals a pets weapon. Example, your facing me, and you use PSH, you would randomly steal one of my weapons to use, what if you stole SoS?
This would be a good investment idea, since it is a stealer and essential in some 1p fights. Some 2p fighters even have them. I believe they were only released through the advent calendar, also. The thing is that they steal what is in the first slot of your opponent, therefore some 2p battlers put absolute junk in that slot. And for some 1p fighters you can steal a ttear or h4k. Also, it has like 50/50 chance of stealing something, the next best stealer is like 85% and is at about 90k I believe(not that sure), and that is a green sticky hand. There is also a HRoT for about 400k I think(not that sure), which is a full steal if you have a certain amount of intel/mvmt. Check IDB if you really want to know exact percentages and the intel and mvmt needed.
i believe the chance of stealing in only 30% ish.... most battlers use hrot instead and this is too random to be much help... as stated b4 they are not in demand and u wud probably need to buy more like 1000 each
According to IDB, there is about a 50% chance. But the HRoT is UB, and you also need 201 agility and 63 intelligence for it to work.
i thought is was 30 but even if 50 there are far too many of this item... hrot is a much better alternitive and most real bd pets hav those stats.... tai-kai codys and meowy t or t bags are much better
A purple sticky hand is only like 6k, and a HRoT isn't even buyable. And a lot of bd pets don't have those stats, because agility and intel don't do anything in battle, other than enabling you to use this weapon along with a couple others. Most people won't train their pets 200 agility and read enough books to get 68 intel just for HRoT.
i agree in a way... i agree on the agility part however if using a labrat this is easily achievable.... however intel i dont agree with.. if u look at most good bd pets they have intel and u can always buy/borrow scroll potion if u dont want to use books.... if u can find enough ppl to inflate it then by all means go ahead as it is an ok starter wep... but when u can afford it hrot is a much better option...
I don't think the Purple Sticky Hand is that reliable in 2 players. Usually, the good 2 player items are the ones that inflate like crazy, such as Ring of the Lost for all those defenseless lab rats.
probably not a good idea. there could be thousands in circulation ^^ unlesss you got the dough and you can inflate it only so much until the next steal upgrade which is the green one i think.