Talk about the history behind your username here Why did you choose it? Does it have any particular meaning? I'll start Ofek is the name of one of the dumbest kid's I have ever had the pleasure to have known, so dumb infact, that it has become an inside joke for me and my friends to name any account we make after him...sad I know...but we get the kicks out of it
Will is my name. Invigorated, the name of many of my other accounts, is my favourite adjective. It was the name of my second RuneScape account, and the account that addicted my to that game. The name of one of my neopets accounts that was frozen for scamming (when I ran off with a FSS and a tear). And the name of my email address.
well the reason my username is ak47-neo. because ak47 was my graffitti tag. I know thats bad to spray paint but it was fun . Ak47 represents .... A= first Letter of my first name K= first letter of my last name 4= four letters in my first name 7= Seven letters in my last name. and neo was cuz of the fact that ak47 was taken.
SoC is derived from Son of Chilly My father called himself chilly on an internet forum and i joined at a later date calling myself "son of" chilly was obvious username And since then i've kept the name
I Kind of liked assassins so my name....and its 'assasin' because it indirectly says my english is bad...with lot of grammatical mistakes
well Charlie is my what everyone calls me Charles be my real name. I used to have SirCharles cause that was what my whole swim team called me and my coach... dunno why. Occasionally I'll choose SirCharlieSan - combination of SirCharles and Charlie and the "San" at then end represents that I'm asian... Kinda like "Daniel-San" from the Karate Kid (cept he isn't asian he was italian... ._.) you get the point.
This topics pretty interesting. My name is last name starts with an N, so...nikkin pretty simple.
lol i thought ak47 was a gun (as in shoot neo lol) mine was origionally retarded-demons but had it changed to my name as i found it kinda emo lol and the ... is cos Chris was already taken lol
Mine just comes from a really terrible song my friends and I made up when we were around 13 and in very very strange band... "I'm just a goldfish rockster/not a jammy dodger/so don't go messing with me" I have no idea what we were on about, and I'm really glad for the sake of the world we gave up on it. I wish I was old enough at the time to blame it on alcohol... but alas not.
My favorite scar script writer's username is Zero and Ive always wanted to be called that. so I just wrote ZeroOverZero to make it fair without copying him. I used to write scar scripts and he motivated me.
Basically, I was given an account when I was 9 that was named jujubee557. It got ice, so I create gugubee557, which got iced, so I create zuzubee557, which got iced, which finally made me create wuwubee557. Which got iced too xD Since that time, I use pretty usernames xD
yO. Well it's just a cool name ! :funky: .. ohh and .. i like hello to people alot .. soo yO. say's it all !! xDD