Anyone else excited for this movie? (I want to see it mainly because of violence and nazis being killed..) I believe it comes out august 21st. Got a little bit of time to wait.. :zzz:
It might be controversial, but the idea is flippin' awesome. I can't wait, personally Supposed to go see it opening night with a friend, but ironically I'm picking up my German penpal from the airport oO;
...Your german penpal might find the movie offensive (considering some people feel that 100% of germany was nazi, when it really wasn't) and might not want to be considered a desendant of a nazi... I'm not going to see it at a movie theater: I have (I took away two letters, not linking anyone to a site that might possibly be illegal...)
She won't find it offensive. She, in fact, is a Nazi herself. Kidding. Honestly, I don't see where this film is controversial. It's Brad Pitt killin' Nazis. The only thing that I could think of that may be offensive to some is the word "basterd"... but those people should shuddup. Although people are reaaaaally good at finding things to hate on, so I'm sure some skinheads will protest this movie. I give this a movie a "yes, yes, yes, yes". I'd like to see it.
It could always portray nazis as bad people (don't bother adressing what I just said XD) and that germans are nazi's which means... germans = mass-killing crimes against humanity cold blooded raping murderers... (Graphic, I know XD). I'm pretty damn anti nazi. I should just stop trying to see through a non-nazi german's eyes... As for brad pit shooting people: F*** YEAH! :-D Half the people are going to see the movie to see brad pitt 1/4th of the people are going to want to see people shooting eachother 24% of the people are going to want to see nazi's die 1% of the people are going to want to see the movie to learn historical shit (lol)
Those 1% are going to be very disappointed. Its historical fiction. I'm sure I'll go and see it in theaters. Probably opening weekend. And I'm going because the movie looks funny. okay, and a little bit for Brad Pitt. Where do I fit in? :/
What's even funnier is that there is sadly going to be people who think it's a true story... Dumb f***s...
Lol, it looks kinda offending to some people, but still might be hilarious When is this coming out again ?
The movie has nice actors, but I hate Holocaust movies, I think the Holocaust is one chapter in history that needs to be forgotten, not remembered by making movies.
Are you one of those people who believes the Holocaust didn't happen? oO; The Holocaust should never be forgotten. It's an important event in history that should always be remembered that way we never, EVER let something like it happen EVER again.
There are a lot of ignorant Americans for sure but believe me when I tell you that a lot of us do know about and are grateful for the Germans who stood up to that sack of excrement. This movie from what I understand is more of a comedy. I will probably go see it, but only when it comes to the cheap theater. Why pay $10 to see a movie when it will a block away for $1-$3.50 in 3-4 weeks depending on how good it does? I suppose we forget about slavery also?
I think its going to be a box office flop but going to set records dvd wise (A flop by brad pitt standards that is)
I think it's pretty funny especially considering its a quentin tarentino movie all of his films have comedy in them also mike myers makes a cameo
FOR ALL YOU DOUBTERS: THIS MOVIE IS FREAKING AMAZING. It's suspenseful, has an epic plot, is full of dead gnatsies, and also has some humor :rhett:. There are two things depressing about this movie though, so you should be prepared: The first is that by the end of the movie, you will be so sad that the movie isn't true. Second is that although there is a bit of gore, it's incredibly less than the things Nazis did, such as skinning people. If you think this movie is gross, go see Schindler's List.
I lovedd Basterds. Brad Pitt's accent was hilarious, seriously... It's pretty cool to see badass Jews for a change.