Investing! your long term guide to riches

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by enigmaenigmas, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. enigmaenigmas

    enigmaenigmas Level I

    Apr 5, 2010
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    I noticed nobody has posted anything on one of my favorite, and not often used, ways of making large sums of money in Neopets.

    As you spend more and more time on Neopets, you're bound to come across potentially valuable items. Sometimes it's hard to tell which items will eventually increase in value and when, but here are some general rules of thumb.

    -Good Battledome Items, Books, Foods, Stamps, Coins, and Wearable Clothes are among the most valuable items on Neopets because most of them can only be used once, and Battledome items are highly sought after (especially powerful ones). These items more so than any others are what we refer to below, especially when said items have a high rarity.

    -Items only given out once as Event Prizes generally rise in value over time because they're retired afterward. EXAMPLE: Sore Throat Remedies was a prize during the 2007 Altador Cup Tournament. The value of this item fluctuated after this and within a year was worth over 350,000.

    -Items only given out during the Advent Calendar will be fairly inexpensive at first and will very slowly rise in value for a year or more. As more time passes and their supply decreases, they increase in value. EXAMPLE: A Seasonal Stamp from several years ago is worth 20,000 NP now and slowly rising.

    -Codestones can increase in value by 25% or more the instant the general Neopian public has reason to believe a war or plot is coming. This also holds true for Battledome items. Once a war actually starts, the prices skyrocket, but generally don't double (depending on the item). If you have lots of Codestones or an expensive Battledome item, it may be wise to wait until a war to sell it for maximum profits. EXAMPLE: A Main Codestone was worth about 6,000 NP a while back, then it was announced that TNT was planning to revamp the Battledome in the distant future, raising prices to 10,000 NP each. When a plot/war involving the Battledome does arrive, their price will probably end up somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 NP each.

    -Items that are always being released generally decrease in value over time unless they're very rare and/or are used up quickly. Items that are only given out once generally increase in value over time unless they're useless or in high supply.

    -Certain Paint Brushes and Wearable Items will increase in value as the holiday they are associated with draws closer. For instance, a Christmas Paint Brush will sell for thousands more in December than it will in April.

    -Smugglers Cove items are the rarest of them all. Only 120 of each item sold there can exist at any one point in time, and they almost always increase in value over time because they're practically retired within weeks of being announced in the news. They are usually sold at the Cove for far less than they're actually worth, but because of how difficult it is to get a Cove item (you have to have Dubloons, NOT be banned for going there too many times, and arrive when the item is actually available during that one brief moment of the hour or day), the item could easily be worth millions now, and hundreds of millions later. EXAMPLE: The Attack Pea and Seasonal Attack Pea.

    -Items from the Hidden Tower instantly lose value when you buy them because there are always people looking to sell for just under what they paid for it. If people wanted to buy the item at price, they can usually do it themselves. HOWEVER, on very rare occassions, Hidden Tower items are retired and skyrocket in value, ESPECIALLY over time. EXAMPLE: The Ghostkersword was originally sold for 13,000,000 NP... now that it's retired, it's worth over 85,000,000 NP. However, this is on the extreme side because the Ghostkersword is so powerful. Less powerful items will not increase in value as much when retired.

    So the morale of this guide is that you can buy items in Neopia now that can be worth much more later and another option for investments is a more low profit per item so you buy a lot (thousands) of an item that is not worth much if you have a hunch that for any reason it may increase in price.
    Probably the best guide i've found on investing.
    Heather likes this.
  2. Mercury

    Mercury Level I

    Apr 14, 2010
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    Nice guide, I'm quite surprised too that there aren't any other investment guides here :)
  3. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    I used to think neopets would be shutting down back when the original owners quit but then they came out with the Neocash stuff. Should have stuck around because I missed some plots and items now =(
  4. enigmaenigmas

    enigmaenigmas Level I

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Thank you. Also one thing I didn't really mention was that you should always look at the new items on the main page and if you can are thinking of investing in them don't do it. They will almost always deflate after a while.
  5. Mercury

    Mercury Level I

    Apr 14, 2010
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    Hmm how does this work? I might be completely wrong, but I would have thought new items would deflate in price as more of them flow into the economy through time? o_O
  6. takhisis

    takhisis Level I

    Apr 6, 2010
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    Exactly my thoughts!
    I have never bought the new items precisely because of that...

    One quick question... are retired paintbrushes (like the golden one) really retired, or are they still given out in RE?
    I have one, and I don't know if it's worth holding on to in hopes it will rise in price, or if I should just sell it for what it's worth now... :maha:

    Thanks for the great guide! :funky:
  7. wombats

    wombats Level I

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Thanks for the great guide : )

    but I was wondering, when you say wearables, do you only mean wearables released from special site events, such as plots, or also the ones sold in the main shops?
  8. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    New items will generally deflate. Buying them when they first come out would be a bad idea.

    Very rarely does something turn out to be worth a lot more than the people who originally sell them think it's worth.
  9. Mercury

    Mercury Level I

    Apr 14, 2010
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    My investments have never really paid off
    I've bought many things in the past from r_101 stamps to r_180 books, but none of them have ever gone up in price :nope:
    I'd be lucky if they didn't drop o_O

    Anyone got any pointers for me? :(
  10. wombats

    wombats Level I

    Apr 15, 2010
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    I think rare item code/nc cash card code/whatever code items are really good investments, just look at how ridiculously expensive some of the ones that came out as late as 2009 are now. O_O

    also, when it comes to r101s and r180, aesthetics sort of do matter too lol. so cute foods and stuff are good investments too. xD
  11. takhisis

    takhisis Level I

    Apr 6, 2010
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    I have been bulk buying books and foods given out by the advent calendar in past years. I am hoping that since they are retired and one use only, they will go up in price :)
  12. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    takhisis - They will eventually.. The only problem short term is there are SOOO many released it takes a long time for them all to be used/frozen before prices will move.
  13. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    I would argue that they aren't a good investment because their price will not increase faster than regular inflation.

    Millions and millions of each advent item are released each year...there is no way enough of them will be used/frozen for the price to change at all
  14. takhisis

    takhisis Level I

    Apr 6, 2010
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    Well, I have quite a stack of some of those items in my SDB, so time will tell... :)
    Anyhow, I always try to snipe them off the SW, so even if prices didn't rise that much, I could still sell them at a profit... provided the price doesn't go down, which I think is very unlikely...
  15. wombats

    wombats Level I

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Shooting star muffins might also be good investments :O

    they were given out by an advent calendar not too long ago, and an extremely useful one-use bd item :p
  16. jigg

    jigg Newbie

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Wow, very descriptive guide.
    This would be great for legit players, wanting to make money but not in any hurry to do so.
    But I was sitting here thinking about this, and if you do it correctly you could make massive amount of neopoints in a decent amount of time if you invest in the right stuff.
    enigmaenigmas likes this.
  17. odieboy

    odieboy Level II

    Jun 27, 2010
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    But no one really knows for sure which stuff is the right stuff.

    Like the save the wheels stamp out for 750k right now. I really don't wanna invest in that but... :|

    What do you guys think?