Alright, so about a year ago I got IP banned from neopets. I gave up after that, it was quitting time for me. Now I'm back again, and I have the same IP. I'm not IP banned anymore... Well, atleast I wasn't. I am again now, because I've been working on a score sending list haha xD Anyone know how long an IP ban lasts for? I know it's not permanant. But yea, hi guys =] it's been a while since I posted here haha o.o;
Is it exactly 6 months? That would make sense actually. I just got unbanned recently, I was banned some time in December.
That is only possible if your isp is providing dynamic ip's...It is what i have.. Static ip's cannot be changed by switching router off and on!
If you have a DHCP, unplug power for ~5 minutes and replug. If that doesn't work, do the same for an 8 hour period. If your IP is static, though...why not just proxy?
If your IP is static, you can simply call your ISP and ask for a new IP....however, you might need to have an excuse or something...doubt "banned by neopets" will work. You could try something really far-fetched like you have a stalker or something.
as cackle said you have to ask isp to change static ip...and they do not do that easily as it requires more work to be done on their part(you have to have a pretty good reason too). Does anybody know that when using dynamic ip's if each ip used is considered separate (each ip as unique so the wrong doings on one ip does not afect other ip's) or they consider it as a different ip's from a single computer?
I've never even heard of a no ip ban download. It's probably some 'hack' that supposedly makes it so you can't get ip banned no matter what you do. Then once you download it, you find that you infact are the one that was hacked. But hey, like I said, I don't have any clue what that is. That was just an educated guess xD
IDK my cousin has this [rogram on his pc ithink its an IP block or something. moderaters cant track your Ip address. Atleast thats what he said IDK if it works. it does work on runscape though.
I've been IP banned for like 6 months. So I suppose it's the average ? But yea, just use a proxy. It'll take more time to log on, but you'll be able to access to the site, which is better than nothing, I suppose.