does anyone know what happens when you get ip banned because i just got iced and now when i try to make a new account i click the next button and get sent to the login page. when i used a proxy i could get past it though.
haha wow your like the king of all things ip. ya i got a proxy set up but actually i created my account on a proxy but then shut it off and i could login normally. we'll see if my new account is still active tomorrow, but right now i can play like nothing ever happened.
If you have cable modem you are screwed. Best thing is to use a proxy and they are lol They never seem to work for me. Also try calling your ISP and have them changing it for you, I called mine today had them change it, just randomly because I hate sticking with the same one for a long period, and they changed it in 3 minutes without a problem.
TRY THIS, Run "cmd", ipconfig /release Disconnect your cable, LEAVE IT OVER NIGHT then, ipconfig /renew you should have new dynamic ip
what is tor? i think i've tried just about everything, but haven't come across this yet. and Warlord, i plan to try that tonight *crosses fingers* thanks Edit: I changed it!!!! I think I'm gonna make a guide on how.
Tor is The Onion Router Its an anonymity network, which works basically like a proxy to the end-user.
Its not blazing fast, it gets around 20 kbs, which is enough if you know how to properly speed up your connection. Its reliable though, its hardly ever down. If you choose to use Tor, consider making your computer a relay so you can contribute to the network.
Maybe you should sign-up with AOFail lol, they have dynamic IP's everytime you sign-on. It's also become a free service now. If not, you can always try, etc. If your using IE goto Tools, Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings, and change it from there. I'm not sure about other methods available than those listed. As always, make sure to test the speed of the IP connections as well, you don't won't a slow IP, especially if you use DSL or a Cable modem. Afterall, you didn't get those to be slow did you lol. I hope this helps. The reason I suggested something like AOL is because it's always dynamic and very fast ips, using website based proxies usually require 2-3 seconds of connection time on any inet based event processed. Sorry for the WOT, but it's an informational one.
Good thing about Tor is if you don't like the speed of one connection all you have to do is click a button and it will give you another IP. So you can go through as much as you'd like until you find a fast one. I have one right now and it is pretty quick. Tor is lovely.
tor, is handy but, it get really annoying trying to find the right (fast) proxy... i just use accessdriver to find me the fast one