Hallo! So, my partner currently has her own FB page were she sells stuff. At the moment, every photograph that she takes, I have to manually edit, putting like a brandname/email address on it. Is anyone aware (I have googled it!), of an IPhone ap that allows you to create your own "frames". that way I can save it as a default frame, so every time she takes a photo it automatically puts it on the photograph. she can then upload it herself and save me having to do it. She has an IPhone, so I'd rather get one for that. However, if you're aware of one for Android (not looked yet... thats my second preference), then I'll download that and she can use my phone to take the photo's. OR! Can someone code up a program for android for this? (Or an iphone thats not jailbroken!)
IPhone: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iwaterma ... 77420?mt=8 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photomar ... 68506?mt=8 http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/impressi ... 97384?mt=8 Android: http://www.androidsoftware.us/Applicati ... rmark.html http://www.androidsoftware.us/Applicati ... rmark.html Cheers !