Ok, so I jailbroke my iphone a while ago, and everytime I go on itunes, it says that there is a software update avaliable. My question is, if I go through with the update on my jailborken iphone, will anything happened, will I have to rejailbreak it?
Not being completely sure, I think that if you update it, the jailbroken thing will go away. I'm pretty sure that's what I did with my iPhone just before it got stolen D: and the jailbroken thing went away
hmmm, I'm facing a similar issue is it talking about the firmware upgrade to 3.1 or whatever because if you have a 3gs i've heard you shouldn't do it due to a risk of never being able to jb again. I personally wouldn't bother for a while i'm staying on 3.0.1 and not risking my jailbreak. There is also a new agreement or whatever I need to do on itunes that I haven't agreed to but I'm paranoid I love my iphone as it is for now
lol i wouldve told you not to if i had seen this earlier. ive had my iphone ever since it came out 2 years ago, jail broke it then and have been updating ever since. youre gonna have to reset everything, flash it to an original state according to the production number of your iphone, and then jailbreak it again.
To be blunt, yes every single time an update comes out and you install it you will need to rejailbreak your iPhone and it is possible for some of the new models to become unjailbreakable. However, that isn't entirely true. If you do some simple Google searches and look for articles on places like QuickPwn (which is also a program so don't get them mixed up) or the iPhone Dev Blog, there is a lot of detailed information on this that will probably give a better explanation... So check there
to Jail-break again, you will most likely need to restore the iphone, and then degrade to an earlier version. but before doing that, you might want to check if there is a new jail-break method for this latest version of the iphone: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ that site is best for that stuff