Or should I keep zapping? I really have no idea about the demand for pets :s Advice is greatly appreciated!
It's a LAB-ONLY colour, same as MSPP and another one (can't remember now) Though, I dunno their value, I suggest you keep it this way.
Even though it's a lab only color, it's not very popular. It's along the same lines as snot and some jelly pets... their colors are unique but just not in demand :nope: Good Luck getting a better color zap!
I'd say keep zapping for sure. Custards aren't very popular and basically don't go for much if you plan on retrading.
Well it depends, do you want to keep your pet? Or trade it? If you have no intention but to trade then keep going, people really like tank neopets... plus you may get some stuff for your closet in the process
Thanks for all the input everyone; it is greatly appreciated I think I will keep on zapping for a more desirable color. I really like my pet's name so I guess it'd be sort of a waste to keep it as Custard Kyri!