I've heard a lot of good comments about it. So what do you guys think? I looked it over, and it looks miles better than the next competing autobuyer. Also any addons (I was firefox) or whatnot I should add to use in conjunction with it? Thanks!
I'm not sure about Addons: I have most of the neopets images blocked in the hopes of a faster buy time, so maybe AddBlocker - but you should already have that And, yeah, AU is ownage. It is the last program you'll ever need: MSAB, Igloo ABer, auto pricer, it's win.
AU is the best ABer, ever. It'd freaking fast, but you can set it to go slower if you're scared of getting frozen. It has every feature you can think of ( or not even think of ), you don't even need to make the lists yourself anymore because it can import them, it autoprices the items.. Whatever you think of, it has it. And it has a nice GUI. So yeah, if you can, get it
I'm sure it's a good aber. I use AddBlock and this is working at lot for me ! I can RS without searching a specific item ( ex: stamp ... i dont know all the stamp... )
Just be active and you'll get it in no time. On topic, yes AU is a very good ab, best ab ever made in my opinion.
Don't even have to ask. The AU is the best out there yo. You probably can't find one much better even if you paid.
I know that no AB is technically "safe", and this one is probably the one that's least likely that you're going to be caught, but has anyone been frozen using this yet? Experiences?
I'm sure many people have been frozen, including myself, but AU has a pretty low freeze rate for an ABer. Eventually, you are going to be frozen using it, so use shells and proxies and you should be fine. AU is one of the best ABers out there, and I highly recommend it.
Alright cool! I know using the proxy setting on it will make it slow... will it make it EXTREMELY slow like it says, or does it not have too much of a difference? Since I see that using proxy will lessen my chances of getting caught B)
Im interested with peoples experiences with proxies also. Every proxy I have ever used with a browser has been super slow. How do you find good fast working proxies? Do some of you pay? Im not interested in Tor, Ive tried it and it blows.
I just have a pwnsome site to find them -- you can request some at my request thread (big red link in my siggy) But yeah, AU, out of all the forums I've been to that have an ABer, has been the best. It's like it does everything for you...while it's main purpose is to AB, it does dailies, Igloo ABs, Spins wheels, spiders, like a normal human. Lowest freeze rate for an ABer too.
Yes. Many of us do pay for fast proxies - because as you mentioned, public proxies suffer from speed issues, and when a few hundredths of a second make or break you, it's good to have a fast proxy. However, I believe the AU only needs the HTML and Neopet image to operate, so there is a considerable amount less to download than you would browsing a site in Firefox. (Less to download = Faster load times.)
Pretty low, but it's still an ABer. And if you use an ABer, you might get frozen. But I haven't gotten frozen in a long time and I've been getting 200-250k a day You just gotta figure out your settings, and for how long you want it to run
Can you give me some specifics, like how long you've been using it, aprox refresh times, and the shops you RS at? Also 20-250k doesn't really seem like much, do you think going a bit higher would increase the risk?
he said 200k-250k if you increase your settings obviously it will become more dangerous but probably not exponentially so till you get to 1-3 refresh times and 1.9 buy times. I would say a good list is probably more important then tweaking your ab too much cause the list shouldn't get you iced, that and the shop you choose obviously. I never do magic anymore, though I use a different ab so who knows, list and shop choice are pretty much universal for all ab's though edit: Also someone elses settings are not overly helpful, your internet your time-zone your shop, all mean that you may need different settings to be as profitable and safe as possible
Yeah the 20k-250k was a typo on my part. Anyways yeah I see what you're saying. I've been thinking of using this program, I'm just not sure what shop has a good balance between safety and profit.