Is Fashion To Blame For The Body Conscious?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fendi, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    The size 0 debate has come and gone really but I'd like to know your opinions. Do images of beautiful people make others feel inferior? And can a size 0 catwalk model really trigger anorexia?
  2. Cacklenub

    Cacklenub Level IV

    May 10, 2008
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    Well, for the perfectionists out there that want to be the best there is, I think it does. Especially now with all the clothes stereotypes at school and whatnot, I mean some people where Hollister everyday and they might think they're the queen of fashion but imo it's kinda tacky...I like hollister and whatnot but everyday?!
  3. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    It's fashion and the models that are to blame! They show them too much on ads
  4. Adipocere

    Adipocere Newbie

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think that the modern perception of beauty is strongly influenced by the media, but I don't think you can blame it for how unsatisfied women are with themselves. Women will always find a fault with themself, it's just what they consider to be a fault that the media has changed.

    Women with more sense, and most men, don't even find size zero attractive. There comes a stage where catwalk models don't even look like women any more, they just look like a 9 year old boy in a dress. Men who are attracted to that are probably suppressed child molestors. :yup:

    But more seriously, the media isn't to blame for women's low self-image, it's the people around them who are. The problems I have with the way I look can all be traced back to things people have said to me... Not what I've seen in the media. I'm not sure if that's the same for everyone, but a quick survey round my dorm seems to be saying the same thing.

    I suppose those people who have felt the need to point out my physical flaws may have gotten their reference for 'perfection' from a fashion magazine, but even still... Women have always had problems with the way they look. History has accounts of women deforming their bodies to conform to the society's perception of beauty, such as the use of corsets, Chinese foot binding etc...

    Basically, women will always hate the way they look, the only thing that time and the media have changed is why.
  5. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I think if you have the mental capacity (or lack thereof?) to be influenced so much by the media that you turn anorexic, you deserve to be like that.
  6. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Media and fashion are only half the cause (or less) to eating disorders.

    The most common causes are mental stress at a young age (for example bullying), traumatic experiences and the overall feeling of inferiority. The person might feel that she/he doesn't deserve to eat, or even might want to kill her/himself by starving. An anorexic person's goal isn't always to look like a model but to become something even something thinner and uglier. Many are just addicted to seeing shemselves shrink, or vomit food for the little euphoria it gives. Eating disorders are called an addiction for a reason, it has nothing to do with the person being weak or stupid.
  7. amanda121

    amanda121 Level I

    Sep 21, 2008
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    the ideals were changing during the history and the majority opinion had a lot to do with that.I have noticed that it depands on how people change during the time.Now the figures of men and women look more alike because of the hormones in food,so the taste of people changed in that direction
  8. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Interesting o_O
    I always thought people's bodies like that have changed because of better nutrition (or lack of starvation).
  9. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I disagree. I'm not saying they are stupid or whatever, but if you are so impressionable that people ragging on you or seeing skinny people on tv can convince you not to eat then you have problems. I should establish that my main argument is that it's not worth hurting yourself just because you care what other people think. Those sort of people deserve all they get. And yes, I should say, I know numerous anorexic people (strangely all girls o.0) and I have a lack of sympathy for them.
    Also I should say I know I sound like a prick :p
  10. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I guess it can trigger for some and not for others. If you don't let them walk, it'll be discriminating against them for being skinny!
  11. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    I agree with you on this, and I'm in no way justifying eating disorders. My point was that like you said, those people do have problems since they react to difficult things in their life the way they do. Whether you think that they deserve being so messed up or not is up to you. Be a prick if you will then :)

    I'd like to know why girls and boys react so differently to bullying and mental pressure. Psychologists say that whereas girls turn to self-injury, boys may become aggressive and violent against other people. This is stereotyping of course, I know boys who cut themselves too. But since the school shootings took place here there has been lots of analyzing on the newspapers and talk shows etc.
  12. gaspanior

    gaspanior Level I

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I don't think fashion is the only factor in the body concious thing but it does play a part. However there are now plus size models helping to break that mold. Tyra Banks even cast one on America's Next Top Model. Do I think that show isn't rigged? No, but it still gave a "chance" to a plus sized model and that is a start.
  13. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Its not just fashion, it's the media in general. Movies today portray the general society of the world as perfect. People like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are today's standard for "looking good". Perfection should not be a goal, it should be outlawed. Today, if you polled a school, 99.99% of girls would say they have a weight problem. Since they don't have .01% body fat, they think they look like a damn hippo. Look girls, if you're as thin as a piece of paper, I'd be afraid you'll float away on a date. Anorexia is not sexy. Muffin tops are acceptable. And girls, please don't try and get abs. Abs are one of the scariest things on a girl.

    My basic message - Eat. It's okay. You look beautiful. :)

    EDIT: Although most of this message was geared towards women, it also works for guys. You can eat too, not work out every day, and still look good. xD Don't go overboard with the gym. (And yes, guys can have eating disorders, so don't rule them out. If you have a friend who "doens't feel like eating"... every day, talk to them about it.)
  14. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Why are abs scary on girls?
    Does a muscular girl make the guy feel inferior or something? And I don't mean some weightlifter-kind of bod, but just some sporty muscle to give a little shape.

    ..I like my abs :|
  15. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Nothing about inferiority, and I more so meant "weightlifter-kind of bod" type.
    I didn't mean to bash your abs, I'm sure they are very nice.
  16. youngcanuck

    youngcanuck Newbie

    Nov 7, 2008
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    its not so much about the catwalk as what the media wants you to think. media influences people to have low-self esteem and only material can make them happy. anorexia can only be triggered by low self-esteem, insecurities, etc.
  17. surreptitious

    surreptitious Level III

    Dec 6, 2008
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    The title to this thread gave me a completely different mental image than the posts in this thread have generated in my mind.
    When I read the title, my first thought was "zomg, someone has the same kind of opinions as me! dat's, lyk, teh osum."
    Because I seriously think that literally, fashion itself does have a HUGE impact on body conciousness.
    I'm a little on the...*cough*busty*cough* side, and shopping is an absolute nightmare. I mean, I walk into a store, and not only is everything ridiculously short (ie. about three-four inches shorter on me than it is on everyone else), but it's also done in that silly, one-side-overlaps-the-other type style that just screams, "I am a plunging neckline. I hope that you don't plan on moving at a speed higher than that of a turtle swimming through jello tonight. mwahahaha." Then there's the fact that sizes are getting smaller. I have a two pair of size 6 jeans from different brands, both purchased three years ago, that still fit perfectly - and even allowing for the fact that they're a little more stretched out than the ones that I bought four months ago - size 11 is a huge difference.
    The 12-year old asian boy look is in (and no, this is not racist in the least, you will find), according to the media. And if those girls wear it, it must be mass-produced. Because it's not like the average woman is size 16, or anything, now is it?

    Men's fashion, on the other hand... Boys look good in anything. Joggerbums and a band tee suit all of you.
    Sexism - 1
    Ranting about the "metro" look - 0

    Maybe I'll be back to change that score.
  18. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Its popular nowadays to blame society, hollywood, magazine xy..

    but its more to the roots

    firstly, it starts with our parents who should be teaching us to think idependantly. If we did this we would probaly a society of innovation and leaders rather than one that just follows. If parents started telling their kids that 'right' and 'wrong' was within themselvesself, and it was their job to live up to it instead of listening to indicators of society, they wouldnt feel like they were overweight, had acne, were geeky etc.

    secondly, it also starts with the individuals that lack motivation and disclepline. anyone who is reading this who is overweight can right now just go off and do situps and go for a jog and start making a change. except its probaly easier - and more popular - to blame fashion and pop culture.

    im not saying that pop culture is innocent, yes it is a force that seeks to shape us to what it see's as perfect but THERES always going to be a force which seeks to hold dominion over our mind. Be it government, the dickhead bully at shcool, pop culture. It is our job to resist it and develop our own identity..

    Shit, where did all that come from?
  19. imperialdarknes

    imperialdarknes Level III

    Mar 3, 2012
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    absolutely, fashion models shape what we see was perfect, but such "perfection" is not achievable through natural means, which means everyone else will have to chase an unrealistic goal
  20. fuzzibunzul

    fuzzibunzul Newbie

    May 8, 2012
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    Beginning from skulls and crossbones to more effeminate fish and complex geometric styles, men are getting all at upmarket body art shops as well as at costly classes with superstar body art performers in Indian and overseas.