You guys go and try this, train your pet without playing anything! i don;t know what happen, training my pet lv 5, just select level and click train... it just go straight to timer
Re: Glitch?!?! at Swashbuckling Academy i been training 2 lvs, and 4stats for free now, hehe. im not sure why is not working for you phee, its real random
Re: Glitch?!?! at Swashbuckling Academy Do you have a Meerca? I think it is Meerca day, therefore training is free.
Re: Glitch?!?! at Swashbuckling Academy I've got a shoyru as well, and I had a five dubloon in my inventory, but it didn't get used up. Unfortunately, it takes 10 hours to train for my pet
Re: Glitch?!?! at Swashbuckling Academy I really thought it was a real glitch... Maybe someone should rename the subject because it's confusing. :|
Is it only because you have a meerca that the glitch was working? What do you get on meerca day, I'm confused. Does everyone get to train there pet for free if it's, on a certain day..?
If its a pet day (e.g. Meerca day) then all pets of that species gets free training from the academy all day.
Oh alright, thanks for the info Zer0. Does the same apply for Hissi day though, for that day I just got my rare Hissi. BTW what is the glitch, I havent gotten a clear answer on this one..? Does it not train your pet, or uber-train them .. eh?
I think there is a pet day for each pet, I'm pretty sure. And maybe they accidently allowed shoyrus free training to?