i would say no as well. since the petpet of last year didn't increase in value. and petpets in general are hts / mts. only if they are avatarpetpets they are a bit more ets.
I agree. I think investing in books might be a better idea since they will decline in number (after being read).
Id say yes for a small porfit, the gobbler once sold for 1k, now its from 7-8k, if you buy 100 of tehm you will make around 500-700k profit, but you would have to wait like 3 years.
Nah, definetly not. Every got it. Everybody would/will get them on sides, etc. It'll last like a day max then normal price / cheaper
Yeah, if they were to inflate it wouldn't be for a couple years. and that's if you buy alot of them, to try to inflate the price on it. So unless you want a long investment, i'd say nah.
I guess it would not inflate quickly. Unless you are going to put it for like 5 yrs above, if not don't invest in it.