Well the system is automated so they could theoretically make the password a thousand characters long if they wanted to do so. That essentially rules out brute-forcing which leaves you actually retrieving the password from the databases. In that case, I don't even see why you would want to "hack" them because at that point you could get any account you want.
Great concept I highly doubt that would ever be able to happen though. Would be pretty awesome, to even hack Adam or Donnas acct, I wonder if they even log on to neopets anymore.
a few years ago, when adam and donna were still with neo, adam and some gut got into an arguement, adam ended it by iceing his account, and that guy got back at adam by hacking the neopets server, and stealing adams account, and causeing some troble on their server. as far as i know, that was the only known case of anyone ever hacking the neopets server, and getting into the theneopetsteam acccount.
How was he able to hack Adams account if Adam had self iced it, and I several websites claim to know Adams acct, he has 5 asparagus chias on it.. :\
I hope you like jail buddy... Smalltime hacking it alright becuz ull never be criminally prosecuted, but if u hack TNT or do some big deal hacking on the site... Oh yea, ur ass is going to jail
lol @ TC wanting to attempt NP TNT hack. Wow, you most have alot of spare money... heheh. Seriously though, you'd be better off applying for a job there, I'm sure their taking applications all the time for people wanting to freeze accounts. Adam.. is that true though, don't worry I won't ask for an elaboration on the topic. I'm just curious.. hehe
i think i know what you guys talking about. he went around Neoboard and showing ppl that he can hack the account, but just randomly choose ppl in the board and hack into it, then post it up or something a rather, there are like vid of him doing that.. but i wish, there's a way to look at my own account the way the TNT sees it. so i know what i done wrong...like a movement recorder or something
Yeah I wish there was a way to read account alerts or flags, w/e they call them. :\ But then we would be able to get away with anything because we would know what to avoid.
Your talking about the Neoboards of of neopets.com right, not here. I actually logged an IP today trying to jack my account, or rather my IP which could possibly have done the same. Although I'm not sure if its possible without the right cookie, or is it..?
Its totally possible to hack into anything dealing with computers as long as you have the right tools and knowledge. However I highly doubt anyone gives a flying whoot about hacking theneopetsteam. It would take alot of time and money and you would have to educate yourself on how to do it because no one who know's how to hack into things would ever just tell you.
I remember it was hacked once before... But now they're probably put up a lot better security and such, but it's most probably still possible. But, like Icegoten said, it wouldn't really be worth it...
Fun? Yes. Good Revenge? Yes. Worth all the time and money? Not for a second. You would have to have a lot of time on your hands and a extemely high level of patience. lol
one and only reason i would want to hack into TNT would be if they ban my 4years account: wasn't really mine in the first place (my sis), she gave it to me, have about 566,000,000Nps Everyday I get about 171,000 A DAY from bank interest. NO NEED TO CHEAT THERE =P haven't been doing much on it thou, just trying to collect bank interest everyday. it self grow!!!
That's not true, if you live in Russia, or some other country, no one will care. However you always have the option of using a proxy to cover your tracks, and hope that they don't give you up.
that's my "don't touch" account. I'm not fully sure if my sis fully let me have it. haha all i do is buy buy buy? but i want to have 200,000 nps/day or more =P but i do have my OWN account. which is not much. and i abing with it. that's all... shldn't get ban if i do it safely
556M NPs. Wow I didn't think that was possible, I thought TNT would freeze you before you got that much ahead in the game, because they are such jerks. >< Wow. Nice to see it's possible!
You are an absolute idiot if you use an AB'er when there is another account with 556Million on your IP. Even if you use a proxy, TNT can follow up on it, and you may get chain iced.
556Million is extreme! If I had the knowledge I have today a few years back I could be as rich as you.