Valentine is coming... It's still pretty cheap right now. Last year on Valentine it went up to 100k+ Shld I start now?
at what price is it at now.? it will definately rise in price because of the sidebar that you can get so yeah,.
how are they released? is it from shops or are they special events? Ill probably invest if its not an incredibly common item.
From : Sending this to anyone on February 14th will unlock the valentines sidebar. This item only stocks in shops from February 7-14th, however it has occasionally stocked in the Igloo Garage Sale throughout the year. and I think by shops it means the gift shop. It's r45 so it'll be pretty common that week.
Even with my knackered eyes and hands and old computer I manage to get 30/40 each year at the shop for about 330np each... so you whiz kids should be able to get loads :yup:
So...just to clarify, what's the verdict on this? Should we grab some, or not? Why would the prices inflate, just because of the sidebar?
From my google searches, the price will definitelly go up at that time However im still quite unsure if i should try to stock them from user shops, or just autobuy them from the gift shop on Feb 14.