I saw a trailer yesterday and almost had a heart attack when I saw Sora get attacked. KH=Kingdom Hearts. If no one can tell me, its alright this is a game I'm willing to do research on. Oh, and MM needs a life excluding Disney World ( MM= Mickey mouse ).
I've played KH-Chain of Memories but there are remixes to Kh and Kh2? Well, at least those are out. The hunt begins...
Hmm...from what I think...KH 3 is going to be a different story.. Not sora anymore....A new Keyblader!! WHOOO!! :tehe: But..anyone here knows if it's going to come out on PS3? If it is... don't think i can play..xD
Wow i didnt know they were making another one but i spose i should have guessed from the hidden ending thing... I hope they have a new keyblader maybe a story involving Roxas