For Commander Garoo and the Snow Beast, I used the ReloadEvery add on (for ff). It's possible to get frozen for it, but I used it on my main without any repercussions.
I did it the hard way Took forever. I'd suggest either the above mentioned or (if you have AU) set up the page spiderer to go to the igloo
general-chit-chat-f6/rider-s-avatar-grabber-refresher-daily-doer-t24274.html Use Rider's autorefresher.
I open 4-5 space station page and mass refresh all 4-5 pages which got me the challenger pretty quickly.
I actually got commander garoo the first time I set foot on virtupets. It's the snowbeast that is a bitch for me. I still don't have him, it's ridiculous
by that you mean you manually press F5 or refresh button then go on to the next page and do the same thing? or is there a button/way to mass refresh the pages all at once?