There is no way you'd get a draik for the Mynci, or any other converted maraquan pet. Draiks are on a whole other level. Draiks go for WN UC pets, but not WN maraquan. You can get a mara pet from the lab, but the same isn't true for Draiks.
Hence why i said get Usd and dont trade UNLESS you get a draik or krawk.... please read my post properly.
I don't really want $, just nps I opened a thread on the black market... And there is no way that this will go for a draik/kwark
You have to think big!!! Maraquan pb is curranctly the most expensive so any other trade would be downbank
Yeah I know.l.. but it's also a lab color, I think it doesn't look that great and I think the name is that great either... So I don't think that it's going for something great if I don't have a lot of luck...
Yes, the Mara paint brush is 10mil or so now, however, Maraquan is a common enough lab zap that WN ones of popular species go for Royal customs. Unpopular species, or BN-DN Maras, are really hard to trade. Selling for a couple hundred k NPs is probably your best bet. (Or just trade in-game, maybe for pet clothes you want or something?)