There will be an Isketch compitetion held in the future. Id run it later but not sure if we'd get enough interest fast enough and im away next 3days. The website is - The games pretty easy if you've never played. Whoevers turn to draw, drawas on the right. Everyone else guessed. and awarded points for correct answers. The winner will get - 25cash points and 50k NP The runner up will get - 10 cash points and 25k NP (cash points have been agreed ) Ill provide rules/times/etc later on. (probably be wednesday night though as im gone) anyway, get your practise in IF theres enough interest i'll run this weekly.
Yeah..SOC thx for sharing the site.. to them and now we will rock the game ... and if i have time..i will play and make a room title.. "NEOFRIENDS" lol